Finding great companies to buy is just half of the equation when it comes to investing. The other half is holding on to them through thick and thin as they go on to grow and compound your money over years, or even decades. A big problem I've noticed with many investors is their tendency to sell an investment that's been doing splendidly, only to regret their decision when the stock continues to make multiple new all-time highs as its business booms.

Granted, there may not be many companies out there that are worthy of long-term investment. With the world changing so quickly and technology enabling new business models to emerge, it can be tough to filter out businesses that can stand the test of time. Some attributes I look out for include a strong competitive moat, a recognizable brand, and a track record of adaptability and resilience during crises.

Here are two stocks that I believe possess the above criteria, and both have a great chance of posting consistent multi-year growth.

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