2 Hot IPO Stocks to Keep on Your Watch List

IPOs were a hot topic in 2020. Exciting start-ups like Snowflake, Airbnb, and DoorDash went public, making strong market debuts. Well into 2021 now, the excitement hasn't gone anywhere. Roblox, Bumble, and UiPath are just some of the latest names to join the list of shiny new stocks for investors to consider.

This ever-widening array of promising growth stocks offers lots of options and means lots of decisions. Eventually, investors need to get selective when deciding which names to add to their watch lists. When that happens, my bet is that focus will shift toward dominant market leaders with a long runway for growth. I'm talking about companies like Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN) and Coupang (NYSE: CPNG) -- two freshly minted IPOs that could actually live up to the hype. Let's find out a bit more about these two hot IPOs.

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