2 Beaten-Down Warren Buffett Stocks Poised for Epic Comebacks

The 2022 bear market hasn't been kind to Warren Buffett's diversified holding company, Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B). Despite Buffett and his team being world-class stock pickers, 84% of the conglomerate's equity holdings are presently in the red for the year. In fact, Berkshire Hathaway's various stock holdings have yielded an average return on capital of negative 14% nearly 10 months into 2022. That's a testament to the widespread impact of this bear market. 

Berkshire Hathaway rarely misses on stock picks over the long-term, however. Between 1964 and 2021, it delivered a jaw-dropping total return on capital of 3,641,613%, and one of the key reasons it was able to do that was that Buffett has maintained a laser-like focus on owning high-quality companies with outstanding management teams. So even though this sour market may not be rewarding deep value now, this key aspect of most Buffett stock picks almost always shines through over multiyear holding periods.

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