25% of Americans Fear They'll Be Out of Money by May 31

Many people look forward to the end of May. It's a sign that summer is near, and that weekend beach outings and barbecues will soon be upon us.

Not this year, though. While social distancing measures may be relaxed by summer in some parts of the country, it's fairly safe to say that the laid-back, carefree days of July and August won't have the same ring in 2020. We can thank COVID-19 for that.

Furthermore, the end of May is apt to be a notably stressful time for the one in four Americans who think they'll be out of money by the 31st if the economy remains shut down and there's no additional stimulus cash to be found. In a recent survey commissioned by Self Financial and conducted by OnePoll, not only did 25% of Americans indicate they'd be out of money in about a month's time, but half have already dipped into their savings to help make ends meet.

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Source Fool.com