23% of Americans Are Planning to Make This Smart Social Security Move

Social Security serves as a major income source for millions of retirees, and for those without much in the way of savings, it's a lifeline. If you're behind on retirement plan contributions, or are worried about covering your bills as a senior, then it's important that do everything in your power to make the most of your benefits.

Thankfully, one simple move could score you a higher monthly Social Security benefit for life. If you delay your benefits past full retirement age, you'll boost them by 8% a year, up until age 70. It's a move that 23% of Americans in their 50s and 60s plan to make, according to the May 2020 Simplywise Retirement Confidence Index, and it's one worth considering if you're looking to buy yourself some added financial security later in life.


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Source Fool.com