1 Investment You Should Consider Before Buying AI Stocks

It's hard to go to any investing-focused site without being bombarded by artificial intelligence (AI) headlines. I'm just as guilty of providing AI-focused content as others, but it's a massive trend in business. However, with all the hype surrounding AI, it's easy to get pulled in and think it's your one-way ticket to becoming rich.

So before you purchase a portfolio of AI stocks, here's one investment you must consider first.

AI is certainly a trend, but its hype isn't too different from the "work-from-home", metaverse, or the "3D printing stocks" trends we've witnessed in the past five years or so. When these themes were significant, it was common to hear, "no one is going back to the office," "everyone will socialize in the metaverse," or "everyone will have a 3D printer in their home." Now, you'll hear, "everyone will have an AI assistant to improve productivity."

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Source Fool.com