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Tops & Flops Stocks

Security Change (%) 1w 1m ▼ 1y YTD 3y 5y
Luen Thai Holdings Ltd - -10.000% 50.000% -84.483% -70.968% -85.484% -93.066%
South Manganese Investment Corp. -5.770% -7.143% 48.571% -48.000% -48.000% -82.667% -11.565%
Suncorp Technologies Ltd. - -5.556% 41.667% -57.500% -61.364% -77.632% -29.167%
Wanda Hotel Development 1.890% -1.852% 35.897% -1.852% 10.417% -27.397% -41.111%
Yuexiu Reit -27.880% 28.395% 26.829% -34.177% -20.000% -74.634% -82.192%
Solomon Systech International Ltd -5.660% -7.018% 26.190% -18.462% 6.000% -70.391% 147.664%
China Fortune Holding - 0.000% 25.000% 100.000% 127.273% -18.033% -83.333%
Emperor Capital Group Ltd - 25.000% 25.000% -44.444% -16.667% -37.500% -86.631%
China Taiping Insurance Hldgs -1.800% -6.723% 23.333% 11.558% 45.098% -17.164% -47.505%
Shougang Concord Century - -3.636% 23.256% 130.435% 29.268% 1.923% 173.196%
China Traditional Chinese Medicine Co Ltd -0.410% -0.810% 19.512% 42.442% 10.860% 23.737% 7.057%
First Pacific Co Ltd 0.420% 0.844% 17.734% 32.778% 38.150% 53.205% 24.576%
Dah Sing Financial Holdings 1.550% -3.008% 16.216% 32.308% 44.944% -3.008% -22.858%
Stella International Holdings Ltd 2.370% -0.588% 14.966% 86.740% 59.434% 52.252% 16.858%
SUNeVision Holdings Ltd 1.690% -2.198% 14.839% -10.553% 5.325% -56.848% -47.220%
Geely Automobile Holdings 1.630% -1.074% 14.442% -10.214% 2.467% -65.214% -34.444%
Shougang - 0.000% 14.286% -5.882% -23.810% -23.810% 2.564%
Champion Real Est. Uts - -1.176% 14.286% -42.466% -37.313% -61.991% -71.034%
Dah Sing Banking Group 1.280% -1.887% 13.869% 26.829% 36.842% -4.878% -38.689%
Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. ADR 0.500% -1.485% 13.714% -12.719% 2.051% -65.391% -36.218%
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Bay Area Development Co Ltd - 0.000% 13.228% 21.591% 43.624% -30.519% -51.507%
Hysan Development Co. -1.450% -0.719% 11.290% -26.984% -22.472% -54.000% -61.667%
Mongolia Energy Corp. Ltd. 0.840% 10.185% 11.215% 20.202% 45.122% -41.089% -11.194%
Guangdong Investment Ltd 5.900% 1.670% 11.052% -31.457% -19.892% -55.272% -72.610%
Global Bio-chem Technology Group Co Ltd -8.330% 50.000% 9.091% -25.000% -29.412% -78.571% -57.143%