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Tops & Flops Stocks

Security Change (%) 1w 1m 1y YTD 3y ▼ 5y
Elecnor S.A. 2.620% 0.111% -7.771% 28.857% -6.528% 84.082% 80.400%
Tubacex S.A. -0.180% -0.184% -4.569% -7.021% -23.521% 83.446% -
Clinica Baviera S.A. - 2.244% 12.324% 53.365% 39.912% 83.333% 130.325%
Realia Business S.A. 0.460% 3.774% 10.442% 5.263% 3.774% 58.501% 19.565%
Applus Services S.A. 0.160% 0.806% -0.478% 32.837% 26.390% 51.149% 5.396%
Sacyr S.A. 1.280% 0.317% 1.538% 10.537% 2.591% 50.857% 41.120%
Tubos Reunidos 0.900% -4.103% -9.662% -2.094% -14.351% 41.667% 186.810%
Laboratorios Farmaceuticos 0.340% -8.555% -3.595% 38.758% 21.800% 28.261% -
ENCE Energia y Celulosa S.A. 0.210% 0.069% -6.423% -4.459% 0.137% 18.455% -17.684%
Renta 4 Banco S.A. -0.940% -0.943% -0.943% 2.941% 5.528% 16.408% 61.538%
Faes Farma S.A. 0.680% 1.091% 2.917% 15.062% 16.877% 12.477% -
Azkoyen -4.090% -1.929% -4.088% 7.394% -3.481% 7.394% -7.295%
Ercros S.A. Inh. 1.630% 1.078% 0.402% 20.385% 41.509% 2.180% 82.216%
Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles S.A. 0.590% 3.026% 0.442% 5.255% 5.418% 1.039% -16.748%
Naturhouse Health S.A. - -2.924% -5.143% -5.413% 4.075% 0.606% -15.822%
Fersa Energias Renovables 0.660% 1.410% 3.659% 45.186% 47.013% -2.958% 25.926%
Vidrala 1.470% 0.831% 2.426% 17.983% 3.518% -4.051% -
Iberpapel - -2.023% -2.586% 14.915% 0.000% -12.176% -35.305%
Grupo Empresarial San Jose -0.680% 4.048% 3.310% 18.750% 27.035% -12.600% -
Solaria Energia Y M. 2.040% 3.920% 6.328% -15.180% -36.101% -22.658% 108.749%
Miquel y Costas y Miquel 1.730% 3.070% -2.893% 14.746% 7.996% -25.159% -25.444%
Talgo S.A. -1.710% -3.501% -15.976% -7.641% -23.103% -25.914% -
Prim S.A. - 0.478% -2.778% -9.483% 0.962% -26.056% -2.326%
Vocento -0.290% -0.860% -6.486% -0.288% 26.740% -34.717% -45.938%
Global Dominion Access SA -0.170% 3.455% 2.708% -19.291% -15.201% -35.488% -